is an artful messaging app and powerful Party controller in
one! It brings people together more expressively and on a higher aes-
thetic standard than the plain vanilla messaging we’re all accustomed to.
Users can share handwriting, drawings, doodles, photo tracings, text and
photos which are placed into a generative art context and made more
fun and vibrant—and that’s just on the iPhones and iPads that are creat-
ing all the content. People are free to use DrawnIn as a normal, more
fun, messaging app between friends or they can opt to join public events
or private parties that can also be created using the app.
Of course, we taken it even further, allowing the option to sponsor events
to give them higher visibility in the public listings as well as have “secret
events” where the Pass Code is needed to get in or even know about it.
An option to buy a memory book of the event will also be offered.
Once the party is going, DrawnIn participants’ content (drawings, text,
photos) is streamed to the PartyPro desktop app where the graphics piz-
zazz and magic happens—with the right touch of chaos and music syn-
chronization. After the posts pass the moderators watchful eyes (who
can bounce unruly posters) it gets “artified” and projected into an ani-
mated generative tapestry of communication regarding the event and
producing a perfect graphical accompaniment to any event from con-
certs to conferences to school events.
DrawnIn and PartyPro are Copyright © 2016 Techné Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Patents pending.